Posted by Akshita Jain | | Posted On Wednesday, July 11, 2012 at 1:57 AM


It was a full house on the 17th of June in Delhi. On the 17th Delhi was on a high as it hosted the the Pepsi T20 Football Grand Finale. An event as grand as it could have got!! This event was Grand in all aspects. From the matches to the celebrities, it was one day full of stars.
Nikhil Chinapa kick started the event with a bang. He introduced the heartthrob and celeb cricketer, Virat Kohli and the hearts of all the girls around pumped even faster. Eight teams competed at the Grand Finale for the title of the Pepsi T20 Football Championship. These matches included seven teams from seven cities and one wild card entry. These in cage matches were a fabulous sight to watch.
Apart from all the celebrities and all the exciting stuff going on there were also special characters there to interact with the crowd. They were Mr. Bhukkad, Bak Baki Betty, Delhi Bwoy and Daring Diana. They, with all their quirkiness entertained the audiences. Their craziness added to the star list of the day and the audiences got the chance to interact with them too.
Every goal and kick and made the crowd road and cheer up their throats to their last pitch. We could see Football enthusiasts waving off their T-shirts and shouting to the looks of Drogba.
The event saw Harbhajan Singh, Baichung Bhutia, Ranbeer Kapoor, Dhoni and their presence made the crowd go mad.  All the eight teams competed to their best till the game got the final two teams. The Champions of the Pepsi T20 Football Grand Finale were SGC Delhi and Delhi cheered even louder to see their own team win.
Highlights for the event apart from Dogba itself were the mesmerizing performance by Sivamani and the drummers. Nearing the Finale of the event, the Celebrity exhibition match took place and that was a match which made the crowd go mad.
It was one big shining day that Delhi Recently saw. So, Pepsi finally changed the Game and in style.

The Girl

Posted by Akshita Jain | | Posted On Monday, March 28, 2011 at 3:22 AM

There was innocence on her face,
But her eyes were sad,
She wanted to talk ,
But words were missing,

In this cruel world,
She could not find a place,
To sustain herself,
And attain a living.

Seemed starved and sad ,
like a bud who lost the care,
Not only food she wanted love,
She was pure and innocent as a dove.

She did not know how to smile ,
But her eyes wanted to,
She wanted to get out of the cocoon,
But she knew it wouldn't happen soon.

She knew her reality
but she wanted it to change
She wanted to live
she just hoped to live


Posted by Akshita Jain | Labels: , | Posted On Thursday, March 17, 2011 at 2:36 AM

Sometimes I feel I don't know what to do,
Because questions are many but those answered are very few,
My mind remains puzzled all day long,
Nothing pleases then, no dance, no song

Something up there boils like fire,
I don't know how to cool it down,
Like a stone rolling in my mind always,
All it leaves is a frown on the face.

Confused???am I,
with life I guess,
There are on options to consider,
Confused and puzzled all I lie here.

God give me the answers.
I need a Eureka moment,
To come out of this puzzled mode,
How I wish there existed any cheat code!!!!!

The Game

Posted by Akshita Jain | | Posted On Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 1:48 AM

When words don’t agree,
And situations don’t favor,
When minds dun function,
And people don’t matter,
When life spins like a roller coaster ride,
And we don’t know where to stop,
When everybody seems inevitable,
And we don’t know whom to crop.
Sometimes situations are such that it is a clear game,
Whether the mind rules or the heart isn’t the same,
The fight goes on for long,
Till the bulls eye is hit,
But the process is such that neither is left fit,
In this heart and mind game,
Why is one aught lose???
Why can’t both agree to the same???
Why isn’t it the same that they chose???
When the dilemma is on,
Our life is turmoil,
At times life seems clueless,
And as complicated and as bent as a coil,
The words seem to mix,
And the people seem to fly away,
We don’t understand what happens,
And the wind doesn’t seem to sway.
Whoever loses or wins,
It is just our life that experiences those quirky spins.
Oh Dear heart why don’t you understand,
In all our decisions the mind has a big hand.
The two of you have an interlinked life,
So what is useless is The Heart and Mind fight.

Breaking Free- Happy Womens Day!!

Posted by Akshita Jain | | Posted On Thursday, March 10, 2011 at 8:04 AM

Breaking Free!

Women are no longer confined to being homemakers. They are all ready to take up challenges and are outshining men in almost all fields today. She is intellectual and pretty, creative and beautiful. She walks down the ramp and even hoists the flag at the Parade. She can cook the best food and also plan the most effective strategies for a company. She can shop and gossip for hours and even turn tables in the assembly. Women today has broken all barriers and is walking shoulder to shoulder with men and perhaps even leading. Woman today not only know their good and bad but are capable and competent enough to define it for everybody else too. There is absolutely no field in which women haven’t shown their expertise and talent. There are many examples to show that if given a chance women can do better than everyone else. Kalpana Chawla and Sunita Williams even proved that we females lead even up there.

From Business to Media To Entertainment we are doing almost anything to everything perfectly. Being both homemakers to managers, female has broken all barriers to get to the horizon that was waiting for them for long. But even now when we have proved over and over again that we are no lesser than anyone else and are an asset to everything that we take up why do we still have to face this indifferent society everytime? Why are the people in the society still stuck? Why are females considered to be just homemakers? Why are women confined to be at home? Why is it the female who is and has to adjust? Why can’t the male hear a ‘NO’ and accept that we are no lesser?

Ages have passed and we have seen are women fighting for their rights and status in the society. Be it at home, at work or as a part of the society, women have to raise their voice for getting their due and have to face gender discrimination. Even today when women are leading in everything those who are not in the better half of the society are still bearing the brunt of discrimination.

Where the male knows that the women can be suppressed he comes to action. At each and everything adjustment and compromise is what people seek from us. But Why? Why don’t we have the right to live our way? Isn’t it our lives?  At tines when families have lesser resources females are deprived of education to keep the funding continuous for the male child. But doesn’t a female to deserve to study in the same way as the male does? Who knows she might just run something as big as Pepsi Co. or may pilot a plane? Neither is a female involved in family or societies nor is she allowed taking her own decision herself. If Indira Gandhi and Pratibha Patil can run the nation why cant we? Dependance on the father, the brother or the husband why? Why are we forced to live the way a male wants us to even though we know many times they are wrong and make us live just to please their ego’s.  Are women just objects of sexual pleasure and merely needed to handle households? And even if that man must understand it is us who complete everything. The society and their mentality cannot change. But now is it finally time to break free. Why just a few women to be live on their own terms and prove the world. Each and everyone of us is a slap to the male ego and the society which has considered us weak and unimportant over the past few years. Girls Break free because it is our time. Realise your potential and the fact that you can do everything. Break that last line of hesitation in you and forget what you have seen from ages. Break free because a new world awaits you.
Happy Womens Day to all!!
We Rock!!


Our Past life Regression event!

Posted by Akshita Jain | | Posted On Friday, March 4, 2011 at 4:24 AM

Past life regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives, though others regard them as fantasies or delusions. Past life regression is typically undertaken either in pursuit of a spiritual experience, or in a psychotherapeutic setting. We at Dr. Ankul's Tarot and Holistic Organisation use it as a technique to heal people or to help them in problems that have no cure otherwise. We help them in many ways but PLR can certainly relieve a person from unknown stress, anxiety or depression. We are ready with our First PLR workshop in Hyderabad on the 12th and 13th of march. Theres a lot to be done then but as of now I hope to keep helping as many people as we can and keep this journey going forward. Will keep posted :)
Keep Smiling !
Angels Bless!

Move On

Posted by Akshita Jain | | Posted On at 4:13 AM

As the clock moves to five, And a day to another,
As the sun vanishes for the moon to come,
And as the seasons run after one another.

one must also realize,
there is no point to cry,
after all it is your own life,
come on , gear up and try.

Move On!!!Because that is the fact of life.
You have something definitely better for you.
There is no point running after what was never yours,
you will only make life hell for others and you.

Why walk blindfolded???
When the fact is that you can see
Why make the sun look blue,
when it is how we know the sea.

A walk beyond you once valued,
would certainly help you,
you will realize that life is beautiful,
It is not for is for you.

Why say that she is crazy,
realize where you had lacked,
introspect and think,
But please MOVE ON!! Without a blink
Life is very beautiful. one should never run after the past and spoil what it holds now. Whatever happened in the past, good or bad, great or 
devastating is a lesson for you. All the experiences that we come across always have something or the other for us. They teach us different things and make us a better person. Life is all about learning at all steps. We must only take up the best and get going for another brighter day. We must put ourselves to bring a change and not to cry over spilled milk. Whatever be the situation, do not stick and move on in life.
Keep Smiling!
Angels Bless!